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Besides being one of country music's hottest concert draws, Aaron is also quite the NATURAL bodybuilder. Aaron stops at a gym in each city he visits to train with bassist Mark Johnson. He trains six days a week on a program from Serious Growth that utilizes constant change, taking only Sunday off. The South Carolina native trains chest, back, biceps and calves on Day 1; and legs, deltoids, abs and triceps on Day 2---but in a rotating manner that is quite unusual. He'll train the two alternating workouts such that both are repeated on consecutive days once each week. In other words, Monday is Day 1, Tuesday and Wednesday are for Day 2; Thursday and Friday are back to Day 1; with Saturday being a repeat of Day 2 again. After resting on Sunday, he'll start back in with the whole program on the following Monday. Sound tough? Aaron loves it, insisting that besides putting out gold records and touring the country's finest venues, he's preparing for a possible appearance at a future physique contest. "I hope to be invited someday as a singing guest poser," he quips.

He's Been Lifting For Seven Years

Body data:   Height: 5 feet 9. Was 142 pounds, now weighs 170. "I think I can carry a little more. Would be real pleased if I could reach 185."
Regimen:   Low reps, heavy weights. Day 1: legs. Day 2: chest. Day 3: back and shoulders. Day 4: triceps. Day 5: biceps.
Why bodybuild:   "I wanted to come to Nashville and at least look decent," and "to live past 30." (He's 33).
Favorite body part:   "I get the greatest amount of growth in my arms."
Most difficult part:   "I've always had little pencil legs, and I can't stand them. I beat them to death."
Benefit:   "I feel so good in the achivement I've made. It's made me realize I can do more in life than I think I can. I take a lot of pride in the fact I have the endurance and stamina to change my body."

Credits: USA TODAY Monday, September 9, 1991
From: 'Pumping Up Strong Performances Onstage and Off' ~ James T. Jones IV
Photo by: Slick Lawson

Aaron Tippin Bodybuilding Factoids

Aaron first became interested in exercise when he was 12, but dropped it in favor of training for specific sports. Aaron was re-introduced to bodybuilding and began weight training with his older sister in 1984.

When Aaron started lifting weights, he weighed 139 pounds. By 1992, he weighed 170 pounds. His contest weight is 160-162 pounds.

In 1986, Aaron entered his first contest in The Penny Rile Classic in Hopkinsville, KY. He placed 3rd in his weight class (151-162 lbs), the lightweight class.

A year later in 1987 and weighing in at 158 lbs, Aaron placed 1st in his weight class, the lightweight class.

Aaron bench presses 250 lbs, deadlifts 425 lbs and squats 365 lbs. Pretty impressive. Aaron's goals are to bench press 300 lbs, deadlift 500 lbs and squat 400 lbs.

Aaron's favorite body part to train is his arms, because he gets the greatest amount of growth in that area. His least favorite body part to train is his legs, because that is the most difficult part for him to realize results.

Aaron's favorite bodybuilder/weightlifter is 4-time Mr. Universe, Bill Pearl. In fact, Aaron's bodybuilding bible is Bill Pearl's classic encyclopeadia on weight training: "Keys To The Inner Universe" written in 1982.

Aaron Tippin
Bodybuilding Articles

Aaron Tippin Family Fitness

Aaron Tippin: Country Music and Bodybuilding Star

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