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Thanks Karen!!!

Aaron and Theadora [Thea] Corontzos met while he was still a part of Reba McEntire's management company -- Starstruck Entertainment.

Thea was working for Reba at the time, and they got together when Thea [a former aerobics instructor] mentioned that she was interested in body building.

After dating for a couple of years, Thea and Aaron wed on July 15, 1995. This marriage is the 2nd for both of them.

Aaron has a daughter, Charla, from his first marriage. Together, they have 2 sons, Teddy and Thomas Aaron.

"He's very romantic. People don't know that because he does have a real tough-guy exterior. But he's a real softie." -- Thea Tippin
"I've had many successes in life, but marrying Thea tops them all."

When Reba's husband Narvel Blackstock agreed to manage Aaron, Thea became Aaron's assistant. "We became real good friends. It was great because then it kind of just naturally worked its way into a relationship thing." -- Thea

The new Tippin Generation: Teddy and Thomas Aaron
Aaron's newest work-out partner and his and Thea's first child together, TEDDY, as he is affectionately known, was born December 14, 1997, and named after Thea's dad and Aaron's father and brother.

Teddy has been taught a love of machines by Aaron.

And, notes Aaron, "Teddy can erase a session in a skinny minute." (Aaron on Teddy in the studio!)
Aaron and Thea's second son, THOMAS AARON, was born December 01, 2000, and named after Thea's brother and Aaron

Notes Aaron: "Tom is a whole lot fatter than Ted was."

"I definitely want to stay at home more these days. It's tough to get me away from the house now."

Thea and Thomas Aaron

Thea, Teddy, and Aaron

